Dissertation Coaching


How does it work? During the 30-minute free consultation session we will discuss your difficulties and a general plan. During the following two or three sessions, a step-by-step program will be created for you to follow based on your strengths and weaknesses. TIP: Students who have already produced some written material often send it to me prior to the free consultation. Where can i buy essay online. It gives me the opportunity to read it (free of charge) and to provide them with even more concrete feed-back during the first 30-minute free consultation. In what way can I help you?

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Finish Your Dissertation Quickly with the Correct Coach or Consultant! Dissertation Coaching & Consulting Service. A Goal-Focused, Results-Oriented Approach to finishing, i.e., Completing a Dissertation! In business over 44 years, offers an innovative, proven program of intensive individual dissertation coaching, tutoring, advice, and writing services for those trying to finish a dissertation. Positive Psychology Dissertation Coaching Master Class: Integrating Applications and Core Competencies to Accelerate Academic Success is designed to prepare coaches for coaching doctoral students at the dissertation stage with a nuanced approach that integrates core coaching competencies with positive psychology applications.


Dissertation Coaching

I can provide you with an effective time management plan, I can help you present a clear rationale of your research idea, I can tell you how to go about your literature review (and when to stop!), and I can assist you in selecting the proper statistical analyses. In addition, I can supply you with a few suggestions about the order in which each section should be written (Yes! It is ok to jump around!). Furthermore, I can share valuable tips on how to develop a good working relationship with your advisor and how to select your committee. But, most of all, I will help you break down this seemingly monumental task into short, very manageable assignments.

For example, if you order a research paper, trust our research paper writing service to deliver original content with proper citation of any secondary sources of information. We check all papers for plagiarism to ensure that every delivery is original and authentic. Therefore, before obtaining an essay from the numerous sites offering free essays, which are usually plagiarized and recycled, consider our custom essay writing services. Custermer writing. • Timely Delivery. Additionally, every paper is tested for plagiarism against previously written orders, as well as online sources.

To-do lists are crucial for such lengthy projects. I will assist you in creating daily lists and help you honor the commitment that such lists entail. You will perceive a healthy sense of relief when, at the end of the day, you can check off each item from the list. Resources esl. Your anxiety will decrease and your motivation increase, promoting your productivity as well. In a nutshell?

Dissertation Coaching Job

I can serve as your “digital mentor or advisor.” I will assist you with all phases of the dissertation process: * research idea development (including statement of the problem, purpose of the study, research questions, and significance of the study) * literature review and theoretical framework * methodology * statistical analyses * discussion and conclusion * developmental editing and APA style * presentation of proposal hearing and dissertation defense * time management and accountability How long does a session last? Every coaching session that relates to time management and to weekly accountability lasts for 50 minutes. However, for consultation sessions that relate to, among other topics, study design, refinement of research questions, literature review and theoretical framework, or statistical analyses, I try to make myself available for the time needed. In other words, if after 30 minutes a student has exhausted all his/her questions, there is no need to stretch the phone call to 50 minutes. Nevertheless, if a student needs more than 50 minutes, I will assist him/her until all issues are clarified. I am here to help, so you determine how much assistance you need, in order to successfully complete any given task.